Cobalt base alloy

Our Cobalt alloy portfolio includes Stellite 1, Stellite 3, Stellite 4, Stellite 7, Stellite 8 (F75), Stellite 12, Stellite 19, Stellite 20, Stellite 21, Stellite 23, Stellite 25 (L605), Stellite 30, Stellite 31 (X40), Stellite X45, Stellite 100, Stellite 151, Stellite 188, WI-52 (PWA 653), S 816, Elgiloy, Umco 50, Umco 51, HS Star J, Mar M-302, Mar M-322, Mar M-509, Mar M-918 FSX 414, MP35N, Permendur 2V, Tribaloy 400, Tribaloy 800


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